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# App registry -- apps eligible for theme switching
# Each app must be register under the "app" directive, i.e., as "[app.<app-name>]"
# Option details:
# - external_theme: if False (default), indicates an app of type 1 as per the README. That
# is, an external theme file cannot be used, and theme switching will involve switch the
# canonical config setting. If True, the app's theme can be set through an external theme
# file.
# - support_os: OSes that support theme switching according to the implemented paths.
# Accepts a list of `uname -s` strings to match system.
# - refresh_cmd: a command to run for live refreshing the application's color scheme after
# it's been set for running instances.
# Default example
# [app.default]
# external_theme = False
# config_dir = '~/.config/default/'
# config_file = 'default.conf'
# refresh_cmd = 'app reload-config'
external_theme = true
config_dir = '~/.config/kitty/'
config_file = 'kitty.conf'
supported_oses = ['Linux', 'Darwin']
refresh_cmd = 'kill -s USR1 $(pgrep kitty)'
external_theme = false
config_dir = '~/.config/sway/'
config_file = 'config'
supported_oses = ['Linux']
#refresh_cmd = 'swaymsg reload'
external_theme = false
config_dir = '~/.config/waybar/'
config_file = 'style.css'
supported_oses = ['Linux']
refresh_cmd = 'swaymsg reload'